Saturday, March 27, 2021


Weaving our world with the words we speak. 
The thoughts we think.
The actions we take.

The spells we all create through our spoken and unspoken words do construct our reality. Working to consciously edit what swirls around your mind and flows from your mouth does change what we create.
Listening to our inner voice also will direct positive outcomes rather than those of a challenging nature.
My recent bank challenge was one such lesson for me. 
The whole situation resolved within 24 hours.

Reading your own energy is a powerful key to transformation. Getting irritated or annoyed around other people, maybe a sign that you need to look into this connection.
Getting angry when you are with someone, maybe a sign that you are angry at yourself for being in the situation that perhaps you are repeating a pattern, or should have cancelled as the energy did not feel right.
All to often people blame others for how they feel.

Stories are  made up and gossip created. And this is a pattern of unconscious behaviour. 

How we feel is our own doing. 

Deflecting our emotions as being a result of someone else words or behaviour only keeps us stuck in situations and relationships that don't serve our highest good. 
Sometimes time out is required so that we can look at what is going on, that the emotions we should be looking at are within and they have nothing to do with anyone else.
Everything in life comes in waves, life ebbs and flows. So it is only natural that relationships are like this too. Once the ego gets in the driver's seat though things can get murky, especially if you don't relate to your inner wisdom.
Some people are in our lives fleetingly. Others come and go, and come back again, and some are with us for a lifetime.

Humanity thrives on drama. You only have to switch on a television to see that. Read a newspaper, rarely is there anything joyful to read, drama and chaos sells more than the joyful and happy. Humans love their dramas and the negativity that goes with it.

However there is another way to live. 
A way where you take responsibility for your own feelings, to look at what is going on within to create what is going on around you. 
Stepping back and looking and feeling into your truth.
Listening and learning to be whole.
People will not understand your actions.
And you are not required to explain because that will only lead to the dramas once again, because humans just love to right! 
Trusting one's own inner wisdom, is the first step to monumental self transformation.
And isn't that why we are all here?
To transform?
I doubt that the reason for my existence is to be born, go to school, buy a house, get into a relationship, have a family and a career and then retire and then die.
What a pointless planned out existence.

For me my existence is about the magic of life, of listening to my inner voice, sometimes I have been slow to listen and patterns have repeated over and over and things get dysfunctional.
In other times of my life I have walked like a sleeping robot, numbed by situations I had kept myself in for far too long.
In times where I flow, life is filled with only blessings and love.

I have learnt to watch this play of life that I am living and take responsibility for it.
Of stopping the movie occasionally and taking time out, to go into the feelings, those uncomfortable murky feelings that come when I am not paying attention.
Of not blaming someone else for how I feel.
I have learnt to own it.
To get into the uncomfortable presence of what I am required to learn and release.
 Stepping out of the drama and knowing that there is far more to living a human life than the humdrum and predictable. Of not settling for what limited version I had created by my own limited thoughts, words and deeds.
Of truly knowing that I am the author of my own life.
I alone hold the pen.

Transformation is a lifelong process.
Some never embark on the journey.
Some give up part way through.
Some like me keep going, knowing that the lessons will keep shifting and changing just as the seasons flow. 
And each dawn that I  witness I understand that I am a different version of myself than I was the day before......

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Very wise.