Friday, March 05, 2021

Waking In A Dream......

Waking in a dream, knowing that I am dreaming is something I frequently do.

Always the dreams are familiar, yet at the same time so unreal. 

Last night I woke within my dream revisiting a once favourite haunt, Lime Tree Avenue in Sherwood forest. 
Closing my eyes now as I write I can feel the earth under my feet, the wind in my hair and the scent of the forest, the damp leaves the crisp air with a teasing chill to it. My favourite time to visit the forest was autumn, so it's no surprise that it was autumn too in my dream. 
As I awoke within my dream I felt such a deep sense of peace, a contentment not often experienced in the waking realm. But there in the forest in the presence of a being/person of great gentleness I felt so encompassed with love. 
Walking this earthly life as I do alone, at times I do miss the moments of intimacy that comes from sharing your story with another. These little moments in time where a touch or a smile speaks volumes. 
Words are not needed, hearts speak together.

As I stood on Lime Tree Avenue I felt this unseen being/person walk up behind me, encircling me with his arms and love descended upon me the likes of which I have never known in this realm.
I felt loved, completely and unconditionally.
I also felt seen. 
Feeling so a part of all that I could see, these magnificent trees that always held me spellbound as I either walked or drove the avenue. This place is with me always, all I need do is close my eyes, open my heart and breathe. 
Last nights visit was a reminder, that nothing is really as it seems.

Waking this morning the dream still with me and the warmth of an embrace still felt as I opened my eyes. I felt so renewed and vibrant, alive and a knowing that I am never truly alone. 

There is so much to life that we do not know. 
Things that can't be explained. 

Those that have a limited perspective would view a lucid dream simply as a dream, but having been able to lucid dream for many years now I know that there is a little bit more to it than that.......

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Quite vivid.