Sunday, March 21, 2021

Mabon Blessing......

 Mabon Blessing to all those here in the southern hemisphere, the autumn equinox bringing with it I trust the  colder weather, warm fires to sit by, long walks in the rain, and frosty mornings galore.

Since January things had been changing in my life, I have been changing.
As this new year began I did start to feel that my life was not in balance. And I began to retreat and to sit back observing, to look at where the imbalances were. Humans normally like to point the fingers at others when things are out of whack, however that is simply walking around with a blinkers on. If we are feeling off kilter it is something to do with us and us alone. We need to look at the uncomfortable truths and trust in the bigger picture.
I felt a deep resonance to the approaching equinox, stronger than normal. I began to look at what was serving me and what was not. And it was most uncomfortable unravelling the layers no longer needed, connections no longer as strong, passions whittled, directions changed, a journey halted.

Yet, it was also gloriously satisfying purging what I no longer need to carry forward. Over the past months I had began to really see where I had let myself down. In numerous situations over the past year, situations where I had not been true to my heart. Had sold myself short, had not spoken my truth.

I was angry with myself. Actually, no I was furious with myself if truth be told. I needed to release all the anger contained within.
At times I had episodes of such deep anger being released that I wondered where it had all been stored, such rageful explosions of self recrimination. Through these times of deep release I stated to myself that I loved the anger and the rage and allowed it to drift away with love and was conscious of the deep healing taking place.
This week had seen the dramatic climax to this soul purging I was undertaking and yesterday morning being the most intense of all.
Loving my anger, wow who'd of thought it would be so powerful.
Not me that is for sure, but having worked through it, I can attest to how cleansing it is.

After a full and deep restful nights sleep I woke this morning with eyes anew. Heart fresh, soul unburdened.
Path illuminated once more.

The autumn equinox is about looking at what our last year yielded. 
What have I learnt? 
What has run its course? 
What is to be left behind? 
What has weighed me down?
What am I grateful for?
What is coming with me?
What cycle is complete?
It's time to really look at what has served me, but more importantly what hasn't served me. 
What has uplifted me?
Where do I find my joy.

In front of me a fresh new path lays glistening.
Destination unknown.
Exciting and unwritten.

Glorious is the world.
The grain of sparkling sand is perfectly formed to the sentinel sequoia : observe....
- The Goddess


1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Very wise.