Tuesday, March 23, 2021


Kangaroos enjoying a quiet afternoon grazing and lazing.
Kangaroos are such gentle creatures and when possible I always stop to admire them just being their beautiful selves.
This family seemed to be road and car aware as the joey in the top picture immediately moved to safer ground when I slowly pulled my car off the road to get a little closer.
I was very impressed with that, mama kangaroo has taught her baby well. 
Hopefully they will all avoid the danger of the road and keep to the safety of the fields where there will soon be an abundance of new grass growing as the weather begins to cool.
Not wanting to disturb the afternoon siesta I stayed in the car and observed from a distance, realising how lucky I am to see such scenes on my daily drives......



William Kendall said...

I'd find them a pleasant sight. I get the same general impression of deer here.

Sharon said...

I will have to agree, you are lucky to get to see these wonderful creatures.