Sunday, March 14, 2021

And So...

And so as the afternoon sunlight bathed the garden I grabbed my camera and went out to enjoy the ambience of my cherished garden. To me each flower is a miracle. To some they may feel that I repeat photos of the same flowers over and again. However each flower is unique, and may appear the same, but like humans no two are ever the same.
Bees were buzzing and colour everywhere, the sunlight back lighting two leaves caused me to pause momentarily, the veins in the leaves are the vascular tissue transporting the sugars out of the leaf and into the rest of the plant. How often do you look at a tree and realise this is taking place?

There was a lone ringneck parrot watching me very closely as I wandered about, just in case I had food on offer. I have the feeling that the ringneck parrots have a scout watching the cottage and my actions when out in the garden. Because should treats be given to the chickens a call is put out and suddenly a green flurry descends upon the garden.

The grevillea plants throughout the garden are thriving, most have began to really bush out creating homes for the birds and insects. My vibrant pink buddleia had a lone flower, it doesn't normally flower at this time of the year, the scent from these flowers is just intoxicating and a sniff is always had when passing by.

A moody portrait of Nova as I saw her in the garden by herself lost in thought.
Pink and grey galahs are very active at this time of the afternoon, and yesterday was no exception.
Mostly they were flying overhead, although a couple were seen taking a break in the towering trees overlooking the garden.
Spying a tiny ladybug on the leaf of the hairy nardoo made me wonder whether it might end up dinner for the frog. The hairy nardoo is a native water plant with a really weird name, it closes its leaves at night and on overcast days. The foliage of the golden moneywort trailing in the water also made me stop to admire it. The ponds have waited a long time to become a part of the garden, at one point I thought of taking them out, but recently I decided to add plants instead.

Under the patio every plant is thriving, and it has such a relaxing and inviting feel to it now. 
The hammock my favorite place to rest and watch the garden, especially when returning home from work, its here I will swing lazily in the breeze while the cats have outside time.

Yesterday was a long day as most days are when I am fully present and focused on simply being in the now.
The distractions of humans and the chaos of society don't engage me much anymore. I choose to be here in my garden surrounded by tranquility, abundance and life........



Sharon said...

Wow, beautiful! Your garden is full of things to see and enjoy.

William Kendall said...
