Thursday, March 11, 2021

Tiny Weeny.....

Tiny weeny mushrooms wilting as the morning grew hotter, sadly I had missed them in all their full beauty. Growing around a few of the potted plants on the patio these magical mushrooms bringing yet another aspect of life closer to the cottage.
 Two species were growing, the fan like white ones that took on the appearance of a ballerina's tutu. And the taller black ones which had already wilted so much that I am not sure what they would have look like in full bloom. 
Such short lives they have, yet such powerful little beings.

Returning home I found some more tiny light brown mushrooms pushing their way up through the soil, tonight I will pop outside a few times to see if I can catch them changing.

Gardens are places of such wonder, offering an endless array of the circle of life that surrounds us.......


1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Quite different from the mushrooms I'm accustomed to.