Thursday, March 25, 2021

Come Take A Walk.....

Come take a walk around my garden. The afternoon air has a touch of coolness to it especially in the shade. Goosebumps have appeared for the first time this year. Everything in the garden has really taken off this summer  it still amazes me how the plants survive in the intense heat of summer.. The back garden certainly has taken on a different energy as the trees soar to the sky and fill out their branches reaching out to each other.
Many of my grevilleas are in flower. The flinders range wattle has it's tiny yellow pom pom type flowers bursting out all over. Such a happy burst of colour for the garden.
But the main attraction at the moment is still the pin-cushion hakea in the front garden. And many photos just had to be taken!
Happiness simply showers down upon me when in my garden. The tranquility and the life, the colours and the scents, make me appreciate how wonderful life is.........


1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Beautiful shots!