Monday, March 29, 2021

What If......

What if everyone in the world went out into their garden/ forest/ jungle/ bushland armed with a camera, or a paintbrush or perhaps a notebook and pen and created.
Just for one day.
What if everyone began to look around them? To see the natural world as if for the very first time.
What would capture your attention?

Going to one of my favourite gardens of course with my camera I see that it is the same as the last time I was there, but, also vastly different.
Things never remain the same in nature for long. Second by second things are shifting and changing unseen by the humans too busy to stop or to notice the details altering around them.

This garden although as familiar to me as my own mini paradise never fails to present me with something I had not seen before. Or, even something I had seen before but on a different day I see it with different eyes.

I am wondering what would speak to you the most out in nature? And why?

For me it is like walking into a new chapter of a book each time I step out the door. It is a never ending adventure, especially in my own garden.
There could be a new scent drifting on the breeze. Or maybe I hear the call of a bird unfamiliar and unseen. 
Today there were many things that called to me. Flowers and leaves, gumnuts and a bandicoot. A favorite wooden sculpture seen in a new light.
Nature is captivating and so intriguing. Many walk past me when I am out, touching leaves of flowers. Speaking to no one they can see, acting, well I suppose rather peculiar lost in a world of total wonder.
The wonder of life.
Spectacular and astounding.

And what of a flower? 
Some say seen one, seen them all! Pretty sad not to see with your heart, the feel the beauty in each single flower, in each petal.  These australian native flowers really are so wonderful. Some are fluffy and furry even, others like delicate tutus, some look like they belong on another planet altogether,  all so unique. All a tiny part of our sacred Earth Mother who despite what is done to her, she keeps on giving.
Day after day.
Nature calms, she heals and inspires. And going out with the aim in mind to create something from what I see is my heart's joy. Often words will flow when I am walking along, and sometimes the urge to get home and download the photos and write can be so overpowering that I simply have to do as is asked. To heck with whatever the days plans might have been.
The urge to speak for her is becoming my quest. She gives words from a brush of branch, or a falling leaf, and even from an inquisitive bug hunting bandicoot.
She wants to be heard, she wants to seen, especially by those who have forgotten that without Gaia there will be nothing.......



William Kendall said...

Bandicoots are new to me. Rather cute!

Gemel said...

I think they are totally cute.