Friday, March 19, 2021

The Toy Basket......

The toy basket doubled as a bed and Nala looked ever so innocent settling down for a nap. 
Except only half an hour earlier the three little imps managed to smash a lamp and a picture sending glass shattering all over the kitchen floor as they pursued a spider. 
The spider had a lucky escape when everything came crashing to the floor. 
Nala, Miss Bear and Charlie all terrified and in their attempts to escape the chaos found that they were all running on the spot in sheer terror getting nowhere. It was definitely one of those priceless moments where laughing was all I could do. 

Stuff is stuff and can be replaced, but the vision of three very scared cats attempting to run for cover whilst running on the spot failing to get a grip on the wood floor was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.....


1 comment:

William Kendall said...

I'd have liked to have seen that!