Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Waking To A.......

Waking to a cloudy morning, everything glistening after a few heavy showers in the wee small hours. The silent dance of the clouds as they shift overhead begins my day with a quiet walk around the garden, eyes mainly skyward.
I did take a few moments to admire one hakea flower finally unravelling on one of the trees in the back garden, this one a slightly different variety to that of the one in the front garden. As yet one single flower is opening. Hopefully soon the rest will follow.

Birds were flitting about, disappearing into the grevillea bushes which offer protection and a bounty of food. Parrots and galahas squawking as were the chickens demanding to be fed. Mornings here are both peaceful and chaotic at the same time. 

As I stood under the patio gazing out over the back garden I drifted back to images of how baron this place was when I arrived here. Now the back garden is somewhat untamed. Wild and free to grow as she sees fit with little interference from me. Nature should be untamed in my view, which is why my garden is somewhat wild and uncontrolled. I love the way the garden sculpts herself. Little secret nooks appear here and there, shady places to sit somewhere else.

Each of us views our gardens in our own personal way, mine is that of a mini parkland designed to feed and house the wildlife. Perhaps one day I will focus more on food for myself, most attempts in growing food for me ends in feeding the chickens and other birds who help themselves. 

The only food plants that thrive are the native bush tucker plants, so it's these that I will focus on. A bush apricot which has only been in a few months has doubled in size over the summer. The finger lime also growing taller and stronger by the day. 
Will the macadamia tree flower and fruit this year? I do hope so. 
My maroon bushes are beginning to thrive and soon will be harvested for tea, given it is really expensive to purchase maroon bush tea I will certainly be enjoying and sharing my harvest.

Beginning my day as always with a smile on my face and a contented heart....


1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Glorious skies.