Monday, March 29, 2021

The Hakea Tree.....

The hakea tree in the front garden is nearing the end of it's blooming cycle yet the ones in the back garden are still waiting to begin their slow ritual of flowering. 
But nature knows best, when a moment is perfect, it's perfect and the caps will pop off and flowering will begin and then I will go through this process all over again. 
Wonder and fascination over each perfect flower.

One of the things I love about the hakea flowers are how they change colour so many times. Truly amazing, and one of the treasures in my garden for sure. Nearing the end they turn a pinky red, vastly different from the creamy hues they begin with......



Ellen Fenton said...

Beautiful! How long are they in bloom for?

Gemel said...

It's coming up for nearly three weeks of blooming now.

William Kendall said...
