Saturday, March 13, 2021

Having Taken......

Having taken on a presence of its own, this pile of branches is set to go to the tip this morning.

It will be lovely to be able to walk through the back garden without having to edge around this monster pile and to see down to the chickens night box once again.
The chicken folk have loved having this area to explore and will be a tad miffed that it's going I'm sure.
There have been a few weeks where I was not able to locate any eggs, perhaps they will be discovered  beneath.
The chickens have climbed on it, scurried into the little tunnels and made snug little nests within it, until of course the grass began surging wildly towards the sun creating its own contained little ecosystem. 

Once it has begun to be moved disturbing all the insects that have taken up residence I expect the chickens, magpies and other birds will have plenty of tasty treats........


1 comment:

William Kendall said...

I suppose they like having things just so.