Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Light And Dark...

   Light and dark.
Joy and Fear.
Love and hate.

All opposites of the other, yet each is present in the other as well. 
Yesterday was a day where darkness struggled to gain control, a situation which was totally unexpected, my bank accounts hacked and drained of all money, every single penny gone.

Not the most pleasant way to begin a day, however I seem to have had an inkling that something was occurring on Saturday morning, that was the light in me giving me a prod. 
A prod I failed to heed.

Paying for my coffee on Saturday morning I had this fleeting thought that my card would be declined, which was strange as I knew I had more than ample funds to pay for a coffee.
Thought to myself that is weird!!!
And carried on with my day.

Unbeknown to me at that exact time my bank account was being drained. Not only did these people take all of my money but they decided to overdraw the accounts too.
Hmmm, scumbags comes to mind. They proceeded to transfer this money out of the country and thankfully left a good trail to follow.

Yesterday morning I had the strong urge to check my account balance, not something I would have normally done at 5am in the morning, discovering I had absolutely no money in my accounts.

Numbness all three of these emotions swirled around my body. 
Not comprehending the situation I began to scroll down and presto I discovered what had happened.
Many hours followed on the phone to the bank.
And thankfully they will reimburse and cover the overdraft these people had left in their wake.

The day was a weird one for sure, nothing I did seemed to ease the uneasiness within. Not mowing the grass, not being in the garden or having a cuddle with the cats. My emotions were definitely headed towards a dark and gloomy place.
Until a beautiful reminder from the lovely EF had me acknowledge and see the reality of the situation.
Sure it was a nasty thing to have happen.
Yes it is annoying and frustrating.
But it can and will be solved.
It was up to me which way I went!
With the darkness or with the light.
I chose the light.

With words of wisdom of friendship and love being offered at a time where one could resort to a poor me attitude or other negative inclinations I saw in this moment how lucky I am.
Choosing which way we go in any situation in life is always up to us.
In a situation like this I could have milked it and created a unneeded drama of woe is me. But really what is the point of that?
Instead I allowed the emotions to flow, felt the anger and hurt, the frustration. But did I wish to remain there. 
Certainly not!
EF reminded me of what I do have and how lucky I am, a gift of truthfulness which had me smiling in moments.
Grateful am I for all I have and even for this rather uncomfortable lesson. Because in the end the situation brought a gift of happiness that truly took away all negative thoughts and emotions with it........ 



William Kendall said...

Good God... I'm sorry.

Fortunately the bank's being really good on this, but it's still a stressful thing to have to deal with.

Those people are scum.

Gemel said...

Scum is putting it nicely :)