Thursday, March 11, 2021

Cloudy Skies.....

Cloudy skies cloaking the earth, the air humid and sticky a faint wind teasing.
Sitting up at my local lake ( Lake Leschenualtia) after my working day ended to just be.
A few moments of quiet by the still water.
Enjoying the view.
Observing a pair of eurasian coots who had the occasional squabble, which saw them separating and going their own ways to forage for food.

Mostly I watched a lone purple swamphen. 
The purple swamphens are really rather prehistoric looking, and can be extremely funny. I have in the past seen a family of purple swamphens run off with picnic food while the unsuspecting humans frolicked in the water oblivious that their food was being stolen.
No such bounty was on offer today, the lake was quiet.

Shortly before I left a pacific black duck came to see if I had any tasty offerings. It didn't leave when it realised that I had nothing to offer it, and wondered if it is one of the frequent visitors to the cottage. Perhaps it was simply relaxing in the company of a familiar human......



William Kendall said...

Wonderful shots of these ones.

Gemel said...

Thank you William.