Sunday, May 23, 2021

With No Destination.......

With no destination in mind I set off, camera in hand. The morning brisk, the earth damp after a refreshing downfall during the night. Following the sudden call of running water I decided to head towards Noble Falls. I had not been here since the beginning of the year when the ferocious fire tore through burning nearly everything in its path to the ground.
The water calming. 
All was quiet. 
The sun still shrouded in clouds.
Even the water going over the small cascade was doing so in almost silent reverence.
The bushland felt surprisingly uplifted, the rains perhaps replenishing the parched earth. The grass trees were all glistening with droplets of rain. Mist hanging in the air deeper into the bush had me reminiscing for a moment, recalling the mists of Avalon seen as I sat at the Tor in Glastonbury watching the sun slowly rise.
Back to the present and continuing my walk I marvelled at the resilience of the bush. Although some species of Australian native plants will not germinate without first being burnt. Others, it is said need to travel through the digestive systems of native animals. 
Such a strange country this land down under. 
The bright green of new life was sprouting all around me. And as I walked there were several areas where trees seemed to have been missed as the fire ravaged the land around them.

Further on still I came to a property which was one of my favorites to see when I walked this path. The horses were friendly and used to come to the fence for a pat, now nothing remained, only a burnt cement mixer and the entrance gates. 
Did the horses survive I found myself wondering. 
Homes can be rebuilt. 
Lives cannot be replaced, animal or human.

A single leaf caught my attention on the path as I crossed the stream. Walking in the silence was bringing a stillness to my soul. Seeing so many shoots everywhere I looked, come spring the wildflowers will begin to bloom. Sometimes seeds will lay dormant for years until a fire comes, I will certainly return when the winter is over.

The strength of Gaia my  beloved Earth Mother was everywhere I looked. 
Not many birds were seen on the walk, however the trees were full of song as families of magpies serenaded from the branches. 

One thing did make me laugh out loud, a puppy in a backpack.
Not seen one taken on a walk like that so I went to ask why.
The little pup was 14 years old and although she liked to be with her human doing the things they used to do, she was too frail to keep up. 
So, doggy backpack to the rescue.
I also happened upon some alpacas in a field, one or two had a look at what the wandering human was up to, most though chose to continue eating.

Heeding the call to get out into the bush this morning was certainly uplifting. 
Seeing the bushland shimmering, almost dare I say humming as the vibrant green of new life wove around the blackness of the charred trees. 
A reminder of how powerful our Earth Mother truly is.........



Anonymous said...

So descriptive Gem...I can almost smell and feel the air and fauna. Love your mention of the Tor...beautiful ��

Gemel said...

Thank you Ellen.
The Tor is always with me, as are the mystical mists of Avalon.

William Kendall said...

Those waterfalls are particularly photogenic.

Gemel said...

Yes I agree William.