Sunday, May 30, 2021

When Broccoli....

 When broccoli is on my plate Miss Bear will not leave me alone until she has had several pieces to nibble on. She will purr extremely loudly, reach out very gently and tap me just in case I forgot she is there. Mostly gets very big wide eyes as she pleads for her favourite treat.
She has always loved broccoli. And has been known to steal it off an unsuspecting visitors plate. Reaching up with a paw and dragging it from their plate, hopefully before they see her. 
Maybe her mother ate it? Because I have never had another cat who eats vegetables.
Why she likes it I don't really know, she can smell it as soon as it is cooking and hangs around the kitchen in anticipation. She won't eat it raw, but will eat it even if it has been cooked in a sauce. 

Such an individual is my Miss Bear.....


Sharon said...

Now that is an unusual thing for a cat to love. She has excellent taste!

William Kendall said...

I'm surprised a cat would go for that.

Gemel said...

She is a strange cat =^..^=