Friday, May 14, 2021

Say Yes.....

 Say yes to the moment, beautiful first words to see this morning.

Life is what we make it. 
As I am progressing through my book on conscious language I am definitely seeing each moment differently. These words nestled  within the blank pages of my journal are so fitting for the study of language.
A language perhaps not always understood.
What we say matters. 
Our self chatter matters. 
It's been stated that we are what we eat. It is also accurate to state that we are what we think and speak.

 At the beginning of the year I took a step back and decided to have a break from socialising, from doing. I decided to Be instead.
I was overwhelmed with the dramas that people were addicted to, to the same conversations over and over again, I felt agitated and depleted. I retreated to the garden and embraced the silence. 
Now I am ready to reemerge, or so I thought! 
Yet as I step back out there with people I realise that I have no desire to talk for talking's sake. I choose not to get involved in dramas that people are still going on about. Or talk about the past, wants, gossip and needs. 
So it's back to the garden I go it seems. 

Speaking for speaking sake is not something I choose to do anymore.
 I find that the less I speak the more I see. 
I have chosen to consciously listen to what others are saying to me, and it is teaching me how others see me. I am learning to hear my inner dialogue and if it's headed in the wrong direction then it is halted, replaced with more nurturing self speak.

What if we could all choose to be the highest versions of our self always, what if we all chose to forgive, ourselves and others? 
How different this world would be. 
Humans are a codependent needy lot, dysfunction rules in most relationships and chaos is mostly in control. 
And the ego, well I think we all know what trouble the ego gets one into.

Stilling the self and learning to listen to what you say is a powerful lesson. 
It is as I am discovering life changing.........


William Kendall said...

I have days where if I'm not working, I probably say less than thirty words all day. That's how social I am.

Gemel said...

I love those kind of days.