Wednesday, May 05, 2021

The Twists And Turns....

The twists and turns of walking your path is a destination where you never know where it will lead. Even the best thought out plans lead you places you had never considered. 
People come and go in our lives, some return here and there, normally recurring situations indicate that perhaps there is something to learn that you have may have missed before.

 Stepping back long enough to look at what has been going on around you can make you question many aspects of your life. 
You can see that you became too embroiled in someone else's story, their dramas becoming so overwhelming that you actually felt physically unwell with the buildup of toxic emotions. 
Given this is not the first time that you have witnessed such a situation with this person you begin to question your connection because this time things have become so much worse. Although it doesn't directly affect you you still get drawn in, and then suddenly there are sides to be taken. 
One person's word over anothers. 
Both have vastly different tales to tell, and somewhere in between the truth will be found. But then suddenly other things become illuminated, more people spring forth with more tales and the plot thickens and it all becomes too much.

It's not your monkey, not your circus, and you really don't need this dynamic in your life.  

You decided to let them get on with it, because really none of it is your business anyway. And in all honesty with how fragile life is why do personal dramas need to swell out to involve others? The more people who become involved in a situation, the more the chinese whispers begin to circulate. Any truth is almost lost entirely as the stories get told and retold to anyone willing to listen. 
Then people begin saying that they just want to let go, it's in the past, but actually pretending it didn't happen doesn't help because that was done previously and here they are with the same situation again. 
What to do?

We never truly know another person. 
A person will only ever show you what they want you to see.
When you do get a glimpse behind the masks of others sometimes what you see is definitely not what you expected, and sometimes it is.
I know that there is perhaps one person who really knows me, and that would be myself. 

In any conversation/situation no two people will recall it the same way. Each of us picks up on different words, we may feel different vibes, so no two accounts will ever be the same. I know that there have been many times in my life where I had not had the courage to say what I really felt, or I got involved in something that wasn't my business. Perhaps it was too confronting to speak my truth, or I was worried about making someone unhappy. Or I was shut down or ignored by someone. In those situations it always ends in disaster, because I wasn't being authentic to myself, nor was I seen or heard. 

Why do humans thrive on drama? 
Why do humans seem to come together when there are sides to be taken and reputations destroyed? Why do humans like to gossip? 
And generally ostasize anyone who won't agree with their point of view in a situation? 

In my own experiences I have been wrongly portrayed numerous times, because no one has actually taken the time to speak with me, or they didn't understand the truth of why a situation happened. Assumptions have been made and stories told where the truth was never included or people simply failed to hear what I was saying because they actually never listened.

I don't believe that people set out to hurt each other intentionally, maybe I'm just naive. 
I do believe that each of us has a good soul. 
Navigating life is not always easy. 
And sometimes it's easier to inflict our pain onto others, whether this is done consciously or not. 
And sometimes you need to take off the blinkers and really look at life.
For if you look behind the mask of fear you will always find love. Same with if you reflect on hatred, love is always there shining away waiting to be seen.......

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Very well said.