Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Appreciating arriving home to see the pink and grey galahs visiting is always delightful. 
The golden afternoon light bringing with it a happiness to the garden, this shimmering light simply made me smile. 
The day had been quiet warm, now though as the evening begins to slowly creep in the air too is turning chilly. 
A quick check on the newly planted grasses and bulbs in the front garden. The recent heavy rains giving them a nutrient boost. As yet though no sign of the bulbs shooting. The grasses and kangaroo paws though are looking healthy and the white kangaroo paw has one bloom budding, nearly ready to open. 
So exciting to see plants flowering for the first time. And as I have discovered, each plant entices different species of birds and insects. 
Wondering what new visitors these plants will tempt into the garden....



William Kendall said...

That's a lot of bird company.

Gemel said...

I know, and they are very loud!