Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Three Traumatic Events.....

Three traumatic events disrupted my world over the weekend.

The least traumatic was Miss Bear breaking the toilet, which resulted in the cottage being flooded!

Little Miss Bear likes to sit on the cistern to look out the window when I am out in the garden. Well, she did like it. Hasn't been on it since disaster struck. 
The cistern came away from the wall when she jumped on it.
The crash was heard when I was out in the garden with visitors, and in the few minutes it took to get inside water was gushing everywhere. 
Pictured above looking rather relaxed she did get over the incident quicker than I. Not having an inside toilet for twenty four hours was a bit of challenge.
Everything sorted 24 hours later, phew!

The other two traumatic events are still too raw to share, perhaps in the future I may write about them, but for now I am really grateful for one particular little fluff ball who seems to know when a bit silliness is required to cheer up his human. 

Thank you Charlie.....


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