Sunday, May 09, 2021

A Conversation About....

A conversation about music recently saw me realise how many of us stay stuck in life, not just musically but in all aspects of life. Keeping with the familiar and known and not daring to dip your toe in the unknown.
 I know that the local pub only plays the same repetitive stuff year after year, and that loud that I can't escape from it even when inside the cottage. And I wonder why do people want to listen to the same stuff over and over? 

Music like everything else in my life shifts and flows as I shimmy along in my life story. 
I am always discovering something new in the music arena, many I share on here in my posts wondering whether they move others as they move me.
Sometimes it is the music itself that inspires, other times it is the lyrics that say something that speaks to my heart, involks joy or simply makes me want to dance around the house.

Never one to follow popular music as such, if I had to pick a favourite though it would depend on my mood at the time. 
Currently I have a variety of artists that I enjoy, but in a few months perhaps I may have discovered something new. 

There is one piece however that I will return to time and time again, one that I love to play in the garden, and perhaps I am mistaken, but I feel that the plants do enjoy this piece the most.
Beethoven's ninth, by the Berlin philharmonic conducted by Herbert Von Karajan, there is something timelessly exquisite about this piece and musically nothing in my humble view ever quite compares........


Sharon said...

That is a beautiful piece of music.

William Kendall said...

My music tastes range widely.