Sunday, May 30, 2021

Noticing The Resident......

Noticing the resident raven's chasing something I stopped the housework to see what was going. 

 Catching a glimpse of the newest visitors to the garden, finally! 
A pair of grey currawongs. 
Earlier in the year I had noticed a new bird in the garden. And a few times I had caught a flash of one of these flying away. 
Today hidden in the cottage I could get a good look at them.
Larger than the ravens, although seemingly more timid. The ravens do not seem to wish to share the leftovers from the chickens breakfast and kept running after the currawongs. The currawongs hiding up in the branches waiting to try again when the coast was clear.

The smaller nesting birds in the garden will need to be aware of these two though. So too will any mice and frogs living in the garden as these birds tend to eat just about anything including eggs, seeds, insects and fruits.....



William Kendall said...

Wonderful captures.

Gemel said...

Thank you William.