Thursday, May 13, 2021


Change is not something the kitty's tend to take in their stride. I knew that they would be a little nervous about having their enclosure moved, however I was surprised at how upset they all were with this change in their routine. 
I moved the enclosure for easier access when stacking the wood, and thought I would leave it where I had it as the pen is more undercover here.
Yesterday Nala hid and would not go out, how on earth she knew what is store I have no inkling. 
Miss Bear and Charlie lasted but a few minutes before howling to go inside again. This new spot is more open, hence they feel less secure, but with it comes a much better view of the garden.

This evening was a little more successful.
All three out and exploring the smells, and towards the end settling down to watch the birds.
Tomorrow I am going to place a chair in there for them as well as for me to use. 
Maybe they will last longer outside if I am in there with them, even today sitting mere centimeters away was too far.......


William Kendall said...

They do not seem impressed.

Gemel said...

No, bless them they were not!