Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Wherever I Go.......

 Wherever I go so does this book, a pen and a journal. Every spare moment I have I am studying. Having waited nearly three months for this book to arrive from America I really was trusting it was worth the wait.
Was it?
Using words consciously is certainly an upgrade for the soul and the heart. It teaches so much in a mere 224 pages. As a result I speak less, actually I think less too. 
In the beginning I did find it challenging as the author was using quotes from the bible which put me off. 
When I chose to give it a real go and see why all of this religious reference was in the book I discovered that it had nothing to do with religion, phew, and it was the scripture not religion that was being used as reference. 
Breaking the words down in a quantum physics way.
Well, that changed everything. 
Learning a new way of speaking and thinking is very transformative. 
Luckily I have a friend way over the other side of Australia who is doing this as well, because talking the old babbling way is something that no longer draws us. 
 I have understood from a young age that thoughts are things, to be careful what I ask for, yet still I caused all manner of situations with my thoughts and words. 
Learning to see and stop self sabotage before it is set into action is empowering.  Taking out limiting words, replacing them with transformative words. 
Powerful stuff!
Changing words to change the outcome when you speak or think, change a word and completely alter what you create in your life.  
For example, l want becomes I choose, or, I don't care becomes, what I care about is.
Simply and so effective.
Loving the challenge and the many lightbulb moments as I play with language and reinvent my life for the next chapters of my earthly story.....


William Kendall said...

I think religion and scripture are two different things. And that's probably the point of those quotes

Gemel said...

Your are absolutely correct William.