Saturday, June 19, 2021

Exploring Beelu...

Exploring Beelu National Park  on a bright and somewhat chilly day. The earth was covered in soft cladodes that have fallen from the towering sheoak trees in this part of the forest. It was like walking on a soft springy carpet.  
Footsteps quiet as I walked. 
To my delight there was a lot of moss and very soft spiral shaped ground covering plant I discovered. As well as this tiny green wheel of perfection I discovered a new red flower. I feel it is some sort of hakea. Hakea flowers bloom on the branch of the plants, just like this one, but I will see if I can discover the plants name.
Two things to investigate further always adds excitement to my adventures. 
In nature I always see something I hadn't seen before, be it plant, animal or insect.  That is the gift bestowed by looking with more than my eyes, and listening with more than my ears. 

Meandering along I noted that it was extremely tidy for a forest, it almost looked tended as there was not the normal understory of plants growing here. 
An old tree stumped fascinated me as I passed, one or two animals making their homes here. One entrance was well used. What might live here I pondered. A bandicoot perhaps or maybe a hibernating snake.

Further along the forest changed again. A sea of bright pink flowers carpeting the ground. Such a dazzling sight. The red of earth made a striking contrast to the green of the forest. 
Having the place to myself not another human in sight brought a magical quality to my walk. 

In the silence I felt the wisdom and the presence of the forest. 
Seen as I slowly took in everything surrounding me. 
Touching bark here, leaves there, caressing the magnificence of my beloved Earth Mother........



Unknown said...

Can't wait for you to share this amazing place with me ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Gemel said...

Not long now.

William Kendall said...

A good place to explore.

Gemel said...

It is a fabulous place William.