Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Day Began...

The day began with a large family of carnaby cockatoos flying overhead and a couple landing in a tree a short distance away. Carnabys call to each other as they fly and it is something I will always stop to watch when I hear them coming. 
The carnaby cockatoos are endangered. 
Their habitat being destroyed, poaching for pets, bush fires as well as illegal shooting of them has seen their numbers decline.
Seeing a flock with as many as this one was fantastic. They all flew in in pairs, so the aerial procession lasted a good half an hour. A lovely way to begin my day.

Arriving at work to discover two fledgling red tail cockatoos with an adult resting.
The fledglings are the two with the yellow dots and stripes decorating their feathers.
The red tails are even more vulnerable in the survival of their species. Seeing babies was fabulous. The parent letting me know to keep my distance and I didn't disturb them for too long.

Arriving home to find my tree decorated with pink and grey galahs. I have outwitted them with hiding the chicken feeding area as there were far too many arriving each day.Plus they had begun to damage the young trees in the back garden. These were watching where I was feeding the chickens their afternoon seed and would have called to the rest of the flock if they had of seen where the seed went.
Thankfully they haven't realised that the new seed feeding area is under my bushy acacia tree.....



William Kendall said...

Beautiful birds!

Gemel said...

They are, I agree.