Monday, July 26, 2021

Today's Hike Part Two....

Today's hike part two.

Only an eight minute drive from the Stinton Cascades and the landscape here at Roley Pool so vastly different. From the moment I stepped out of my car I felt deep emotions welling within my heart. 
This is a special place.
An enchanted place where I found myself immediately embraced by the Spirits who caretake this land. 
Taking the steps down to the water I felt myself entering a realm of magic and wonder. I felt as if I had stepped back in time, to a time where nature spirits and fairies danced upon the leaves. And the giant rock beings woke to share tales of wisdom to the bushland creatures. The trunks and branches of the paperbark trees creating arches along the path, some seeming to beckon me forward to see what other delights waited around the bend. The moss covered rocks so breathtaking. A place that brought tears to eyes and a profound powerful love to my heart.

Seeing that a colony of Rakali dwell here added to my delight. The beautiful native otter, usually referred to as native rats. Their presence here mean this is sacred land and it needs to be honoured loved and cared for.........



Sharon said...

I can almost hear the birds singing and the crunch of leaves under foot.

Gemel said...

So happy you felt the energy Sharon.

William Kendall said...

So very different from what I am used to.

Gemel said...

Completely different William.