Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Waking To The

Waking to the splendour of a mystical misty morning.
Clouds low and already a steamy feel to the day and it wasn't even 6am.
The trees over in the bushland looking rather otherworldly seeming to shimmer in the distance.
Heading off for a walk while the earth was still quiet, only the birds and I seemed to be awake enjoying this glorious morning.
Going a different way on my walk this morning a discovered a little patch of wildflowers.
Such a vibrant display, the happiness radiating off them rather contagious.
My mood lifting even more on returning to my little realm, seeing my towering jarrah tree, the grandmother of the garden standing proud and strong protecting the garden, and giving homes to many of the birds.
She is magnificent and always acknowledged for the her strong and nurturing presence.

The thing I love about the warmer weather is how early it gets light, more hours of daylight to be out in the garden or out exploring before heading off on my days adventures........



William Kendall said...

I like the mood of these shots.

Gemel said...

Thank you William.