Sunday, October 04, 2020

First Adventure.....

First adventure for Nova and her chicks out in the garden yesterday.

Unfortunately I had to herd them back into the safety of the enclosure as they are still too small to deal the the bigger hens intimidating them, plus the family of ravens were circling planning to attack.
The bantams really are so much tinier than the standard chicks and such an easy target for the bigger birds that frequent the garden.

Even so the two and a half hours out in the garden was appreciated, especially by Nova.
Having their breakfast treat of corn kernels in the garden, surprisingly they still ate most of this despite the abundance of bugs and worms mum was digging up.
A tiny taste of chicken paradise that awaits them when they are bigger and able to deal with the integration into the flock, and the pecking they will endure as they learn their place in the pecking order, quite a savage way of learning whos boss.
Thus far I haven't had too much aggression with any of my hens. hopefully it won't be too full on when I do release Nova and her babies. After witnessing a small taster of what will happen I am making sure the chicks will be big enough and strong enough to endure this process.

They are getting bigger each day, so hopefully only another couple of weeks locked in safety, before they can finally roam free, and be big enough so that the raven's won't be tempted to attack them either.....


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