Wednesday, October 07, 2020

The Mystery Of Life........

The mystery of life really does lead each of us on our own personal journey as we walk our life stories.
Each of  us has the capacity to overcome obstacles in our way, or find that they take over our lives causing chaos and illness.
Having several conversations recently about what living a human life is all about for us individually proved to be fascinating.

Each person on the planet has their own unique life, their storyline personal to them as well as being intertwined to those who are connected with them through relationships and interactions.
We discussed that none of us can ever really understand what someone else has gone through, even though we may share similar experiences, none are completely the same.
We can't ever know the emotions of another, not really, as we cannot feel their emotions as they feel them individually.
Some of us settle for going through life never questioning the mystery of living a human life. 
All of us acknowledged the different situations we had encountered over our life stories, how for many years we had become victims of our own experiences and how this behavior of residing in a poor me mentality had actually caused  more dysfunction and addictions to rule our lives.
All of us had be brave enough to stand up to the mirror in front of us, look ourselves in the eye and see that living in the past and continually rehashing what was lead us to live a life where disharmony ruled.
Each of us had done the hard task of realising that we were stuck because we were not fully present in the now.
Each of us have unravelled the angst within, felt the shame and pain of where we found ourselves and then decided to do something about it.
This for each of us proved to be the turning point, for we delved deep into the painful situations that had occurred in our personal life stories and set ourselves free by clearing our minds and hearts.

To heal the self of past traumas you do have to at some point realise that these narratives are no longer relevant. That to reside in what has been only stops you from being fully present now.
A couple of us were sad that others from our past stories fail to see the healing that has taken place within us and keep responding to us in anger and resentment. Or they expect us to react to situations the way we once did.
We all realised that we can't make another understand how much we have grown through our own hard work to clear baggage that once ruled our lives, and we know that until they reach this same point of soul illumination they never will understand.

Reaching this point in our own individual stories we have all reached the same conclusion.

That we are in control of what happens to us.

That we no longer wish to have any interactions where disharmony, manipulation, blame or anger are thrust in our directions.
We have all had to see and acknowledged that by changing the way we are we simply do not resonate to people the way we use to.
And we all acknowledged that this way of being is what keeps us growing and unfolding each new day.
We also realised that trying to explain to those who hold ill feelings towards us might never change, and we agreed that this is perfectly okay.

Self care means that sometimes we have to let go of those who like their dramas and stories.
This doesn't mean we hold any ill will towards anyone, it simply means that they are no longer in tune with the energy we now radiate.

Discussing the deep complexities of the human condition and the web of dysfunction that weaves its way through our time here on the planet helped us to truly see how much we don't really understand life at all, but at the same time it also shone the light on how miraculous our journeys from birth to death truly are.
Of how if one really embraces the act of self healing it completely changes the experiences and interactions one has........

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