Saturday, October 10, 2020

Spread Across The World.....

 Spread across the world, throughout time, in different cultures there have been and still is a humble and mostly silent tribe of people who walk the earth differently to those around them.

Many of these individuals find themselves loners.

Misunderstood, often suffering abuse and neglect as children, which leads them to walk the world robotically, somewhat detached, until there comes such a time when they are brave enough to face the trauma and heal.
To discover their worth.
To see their potential.
To begin to emerge from the shadows.

Reflection of one's journey is no easy feat.
Sitting by a pool of water watching the reflections ripple across the surface.
In silence, tranquil and still.
Watching the water.
The journey begins.

The way humans have come to live is very detached from the natural world.
And yet those who delve deeper into the reason of our existence, realise that by having this connection taken from us was the greatest tragedy of our life story.
Forced to live in an unnatural way.
As children they found that it was through nature that they found nurturing.
Learnt of love.
Understood that they were not alone.
Never alone in the forests, on a beach, in a field, whenever they stepped back into nature they found their peace in a world that otherwise made little sense.
Sitting by a pond, the gentle hum of Mother Earth pulsating up through their feet, feeling a sense of belonging.
And loved.
Showing them that there is more to life than what they were shown.

In a world where humans are forced into a way of life that is so out of balance, where we have forgotten our quests here on Earth School.
Joseph Campbell wrote about the hero's journey, that heros reside in all of us, we just have to heed the call to adventure.
Adventure comes in different forms for each of us.
So, each hero follows a different storyline.
The monster to conquer might be an addiction.
Maybe a situation, or even a person.
There will be countless tests, allies and enemies.
The ultimate destination conquering conflict, misery and disaster and ultimately finding your bliss.

The hero's journey is not an easy one.
With the many diversions that pop up on the way it can take many years to find oneself on the threshold of blissfulness.
 Fear keeps them stuck, pathways pop up with tempting distractions that more often than not these teasing distractions only give them more obstacles to overcome, sometimes the merry-go-round is relentless.

But then one enters the most intimidating place of all.
The place where they have fought long and hard not to enter.
The place that holds all the answers.
The place that has to be entered alone.
The most confronting place of all.

Their own unique inner world.

And it is here that they realise the bliss they seek resides.
But it is not as easy as sitting down and chanting om.
Entering the inner realm of the hero is the most challenging place they have ever been.
They can't hide.
To reach the prize of blissfulness they need to conquer themselves.
The self that is motivated by ego, negativity, of conflict and drama.
They didn't realise that this alter ego was in control, for as they robotically stepped through life this aspect of themselves drew them towards dysfunction keeping them stuck in all they wished to transcend.
Flinging the same relentless lessons, year after year coming in a variety of different disguises but all designed to keep the fear present and dysfunction ruling their life.

Reflecting over their life the hero has a lot to bear, and seeing through the veil of deception is heart wrenching.
Sometimes the hero doesn't think that they can overcome this quest, because it is unlike anything the hero has done before.
They have nowhere to hide.
And as tough as it is, the hero forges on, the heaviness of the task weighs heavy on the hero, at at times the hero finds that this pursuit seems too difficult to complete.
The hero decides to give up the quest, to go back to how things were.

But they can't go back, because nothing is as it was before.
The hero has already changed too much and realises that they must continue this journey.

The hero has to forge ahead, through the heartache of growth that will lead to renewal.
To find that peaceful place that shimmers there ahead, but slips out of view until they clear the path of all that no longer serves them.
The place where they will finally understand this journey of theirs.
The place where they see how much they have grown, of what they have overcome and of how worthy they truly are.

They understand that this journey is a private one.

They understand that although they have conquered a relentless battle no one will really understand, because the hero's journey is a personal one.

The hero also realsies that the tests don't stop, they keep coming, yet the hero sees what these situations are and is able to maintain their inner balance and not get involved in whatever calamity arises.
The hero knows the importance of reaching the tranquil waters of the pond of reflection, and knows no matter where they find themselves the pond is always there, giving them strength and love.

The hero resides in all of us.

And no matter what struggles or situations present themselves to us, there is always a way out.
There is always a solution to be found if we have the courage to step outside the confines of our own belief systems and step into the blank void of possibility..........


Sharon said...

Beautiful words!

Gemel said...

Thank you Sharon.