Thursday, October 01, 2020

Escorting An Echidna.....

Escorting an echidna across the road was an unexpected and special way to finish my day.
Not wanting to frighten or disturb it, I tried without much success to get a photo of its face.
I did get a shot of his little nose sticking out though.

Safely across the road it took off in search of ants, they are also referred to as spiny anteaters, and it took a matter of minutes before he was digging and shoving rocks out of the way getting to the ant nest that lay beneath.
Some of his quills were broken, and others were decorated with dried flowers and grass.
I was mesmerised.
This is the second I have seen one in the wild, and the second time  that I have escorted one across the road.
Such shy little creatures, seldom seen but when you do have the chance to see one it really is such an honour to view them in their natural environment going about they daily business....



William Kendall said...

A fascinating little critter!

Gemel said...

They are fascinating, rarely seen though so lucky to see this one.