Thursday, October 15, 2020

Setting Off....

 Setting off on an unexpected arty tour in Fremantle today lead to seeing some rather weird and wacky artworks.
Some natural beauty was enjoyed as well, which is always my favourite, nature does it best in my view.

Chatting to an artist working on a piece outside the Fremantle Arts Centre where I ended up was a nice touch keeping in tune with the spontaneity of the day.
I really liked the collection of fabric pieces on exhibition, would liked to have been able to touch these pieces, a lot of velvet gave them a burlesque kind of vibe and they looked really soft and seemed to whisper touch us.
I respect the work and creativity that went into the impressive creatures, although a tad too out there for me, they were generating a lot of discussion from those also viewing them.
A few people turning on their heels and not venturing in the room at all.

Not bad for an unplanned day, just going with the flow and seeing what the day would bring........


William Kendall said...

It sounds like you enjoyed yourself.

Gemel said...

I certainly did.