Sunday, October 04, 2020

An Afternoon......

An afternoon of playing music with these heavenly sounding instruments that my houseguest brought along, the cottage was buzzing with playful vibes as music filled the air.

Miss Bear was intrigued with the swarmandal, she was really curious to see what was creating these beautiful sounds.
She kept quite close to the strings as it was played. The cats are use to music being played everyday in the house, however it was interesting to watch what having actual instruments in the house sparked in each of them.
Miss Bear was the one who interacted the most. Nala fell asleep to the sansula, and Charlie was really amped up, his level of mischief went up a notch, The longer the music played the more full on he became.
I did prefer playing the swarmandal to the sansula, being a harp like instrument it has such a exquisite sound and it induced a deep feeling of joy within as my fingers danced lightly across the strings.......


Sharon said...

Wow, that must have been a great experience. I can see how animals would be drawn to sounds made by different instruments. They are always so good at picking out sound from a variety of sources.

Gemel said...

They are, and it was a very special experience for me as well.