Friday, October 02, 2020

Another Tuft....

 Another tuft of possum or perhaps bandicoot hair was found in the garden, after another night time squirmish having taken place in the night.
Occasionally I am woken in the  night with possums racing across the roof, being tin it sounds like a herd of horses pounding across the roof.
Still haven't sighted them in my evenings sitting outside, but evidence of their nightly antics seen with droppings left and of course the missing fur.
The garden is becoming such a haven for so much wildlife, all coexisting in the garden finding homes and food.
Hopefully my time outside in the evenings will eventually catch a glimpse of the furry critters who now are frequenting the garden, I hear them digging around in the garden when I am sitting out under the patio, but thus far they seem to disappear when they hear me approaching......


William Kendall said...

Possums here are pretty much nocturnal only.

Gemel said...

Yes same as here, rarely see one in the daylight hours.