Sunday, November 01, 2020

There Was Something........

There was something quite mesmerising about the sky as I ambled along on my morning walk.
Eyes gazing heavenward and seeing how glorious the dawn light is as it shifts and changes as it ascends creating such beautiful vistas beginning a brand new day.

The cycle of life, taken for granted by billions as they go about their days.
But this cycle is seen and acknowledged by me daily.
It is rare that I miss the rising of the sun.
No day is the same.
Each morning brings with it a fresh new canvas.
A place where nothing is written.
A space where we have the ability to create our day and choose what we infuse into it.

Whatever happened yesterday is gone.
And whatever situations and emotions were present have dispersed into the night, drifting away with the stars and we find ourselves waking to fresh energy and the ability to flow along with the ever changing current of life.......... 


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