Wednesday, November 04, 2020

The Chicks Were..........

The chicks were happily climbing their favourite tree again today as I contently sat watching them.
Little Pluto is getting a real rooster chest on him already, and he doesn't mind posing for a photo either.
One of his sisters was enjoying a contemplative moment nestling on a branch.
Would love to know what she was thinking.
She seemed completely lost in her thoughts.
It has been a beautiful time watching the chicks growing and exploring, seeing the swift changes that they go through.
And having three this time instead of just one solo chick has really taught me so much.
Plus it has given me a deeper understanding of the love these beautiful creatures have for their babies.
Seeing how the other hens and rooster integrated them into the flock without too much aggression took the stress out of it for me, I was very concerned that the chicks would be hurt when they were learning their place as they were so tiny.
But I need not have worried.
Chickens really do have a flowing order to their lives.
 Watching the personalities begin to shine through as the chicks get older is rather fascinating, each has their own little quirks.
Today I noticed that dad was keeping an eye on them as they explored, such contentment and happiness in the garden really does make it the perfect place to simply be..........


1 comment:

William Kendall said...

They grow really fast.