Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Little Ones....

The little ones taking advantage of the warm morning sun for a bit of sunbathing after yesterday's unseasonal downour and wild weather.
Mini rooster Pluto is becoming a stunning boy with his soft grey feathers.
He tends to the girls in such a protective and nurturing manner.
Watching them safely resting, nodding off to sleep as the sun warms them is very special.
Although they tend to keep to themselves they still keep near the rest of the flock, after the initial stress of Nova pushing them away when she had had enough of motherhood they now appear to be finding their place.
Pluto's instincts of keeping an eye out for danger has been strong for a couple of weeks now, I have noted that the other hens rarely wander over for a hen pecking session.
It seems that they are at a standstill in their growth at the moment.
I guess that is because I am really wanting to see their adult feathers come in to see the results of the crossbreeding of an araucana rooster and bantam hen......



William Kendall said...

They are quite photogenic.

Gemel said...

I think so too.