Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Knowing Oneself......

 Knowing oneself really is a journey one undertakes alone.

It's about delving inside to unravel what we think has happened to us.
Doing this journey of deep inner reflection teaches us about what we thought happened and what actually did occur.
About how our behaviour comes from not being able to be our authentic selves.
To open oneself up to deep self exploration is to find that this is the only way to heal trauma.
It's about letting go of the blame game.
It's about releasing victim mentality.
It's about setting yourself free by getting to the root cause.
It is about seeing the patterns through family lines and understanding that from all dysfunction and pain growth can come.

Growth of the self can be the most illuminating path to take, especially when you realise that we are responsible for the world we create.
Being lost in what may have happened to us keeps us stuck.
Seeing through the traps of the past and learning to reside in the moment we are in takes a lot of work.
Patterns run deep in humanity.

Blame towards others for what we might be feeling or what we endured doesn't solve anything.
Getting in touch with the truth of yourself by inner reflection and gentle self love can dissolve all anguish within. 

Suddenly there comes a point where the inner you gets it.
This is the point of freedom.
Freedom to be your authentic self.
To listen to the inner wisdom that is always there guiding us and to act on it's advice instead of shutting it down.

It's about learning to be like a tree.
Strong, wise and silent.
To know what concerns you and what doesn't.
About when to offer words of support and not to offer words of advice.

Knowing oneself can take an entire lifetime.
Some never set off on this adventure.
Some never get to know the true self that resides within them unseen and asleep.
Others set off on this journey of self discovery, and go through the many chapters this journey will lead them on.

Some of these life chapters will be difficult, especially before they realise that all the answers they seek are within.
They may waste years on seeking advice from others.
Trying this therapy or that to try to alleviate their suffering.
They might fling about accusations and blame at others when the murk within starts to unravel.
But by deflecting the pain within to someone else they don't look where they need to.


When we start to look at why we get angry, harbour ill feelings towards others and the effects it has on the body and mind from the point of self reflection everything changes.
There comes a point where we become our own healers.
We become our own counselors.
We become our own teachers.
We begin to nurture the wounded child within.
We allow ourselves to feel the joy of life once again.
We understand that this journey is one that no one really ever knows about.
We understand that suddenly we are vibrating on a completely different frequency.
That as we change so does what we allow into our lives.

People will not be able to engage us in negativity and drama as that sort of vibe no longer is relevant in our realm.
We see what involves us and what doesn't.
We find that as we flow with our own private quest of self discovery we begin to try new things.
We begin to seek joy in every moment.
When things do go a bit murky we don't allow fear to take over.
Instead we take ourselves to a place of stillness to look at what is really going on and whether or not it is what we wish to have in our realm.
We limit distractions.
We require fewer friends.
We crave the solitude of nature.
We thrive of being the self we have set free.
We understand that love starts from within..........

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