Thursday, November 05, 2020

A Handful Of....

 A handful of dingo fur.
A special moment yesterday spent sitting in the sun getting to know Cara a rescue dingo.
She needs to become comfortable with the humans she meets, she distrusts men.
I sat down beside her and allowed her to sniff me and before long she laid down next to me, tummy upwards showing me that I was okay.
Noticing that she had tuffs of her winter coat hanging on in clumps I began using my fingers to loosen the tufts.
She was in heaven and before long I had handfuls of fur out, this seemed to bring her a sense of relief.
The fur is more like wool, it is not like dog hair and she also didn't have a doggy smell.
Over the next few months I hope to be able to spend more time getting to her, to take her for a walk now and again, and take some photos of this rare and beautiful girl.....

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