Saturday, November 21, 2020


 Hail the size of a tennis ball from near where my cousin lives in Queensland a few weeks ago.

The storm bypassed her property, a friend of hers sending her this photo shortly after the storm passed.
There was a hail storm here in Western Australia in 2010 which caused all manner of strife, my car at the time had dents all over it from the hail which I thought was huge until I saw this.

This storm left a lot of houses unlivable as the hail damaged roofs of many homes and was deemed catastrophic.
The force of Mother Nature and the chaos she can bestow upon the earth can leave us mere humans lost for words as she rains down destruction.
But Mother Nature is a life force, one that we take for granted when things are calm. A force which can be unpredictable and volatile, as much as she can be gentle and beautiful.
And she can cause such destruction to the dwellings of her human pests in a matter of minutes. I often wonder when these so called freak storms appear across the planet whether they are freak storms at all, or whether it is a little payback for the destruction and devastation that humanity has caused and still causes to our Earth Mother and her creatures.......

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