Sunday, November 22, 2020

A Visit To The Pinnacles and Lake Thetis.....

A visit to the Pinnacles and Lake Thetis a couple of years ago.

The Pinnacles are limestone formations in the Nambung National Park a comfortable two hour drive from Perth, from where I live it is closer to a three hour drive.

The limestone formations leftover remnants of when the ocean once covered this desert, they are said to be around 25,000 to 30,000 years old.
I am wanting to make another trip here in the new year to take a bit longer exploring the area.
A pair of pink and grey galahs had a nest in one of the outcrops, I recall thinking it was a very harsh nest for the chicks, but a very safe choice in other aspects as there weren't a lot of trees around.

Lake Thetis is also another place I wish to revisit.
The lake is full of thrombolites, which are closely related to stromatolites. Stromatolites are the oldest living fossils in the world at around 3.5 billion years old. These thrombolites are relatively young at around 3,000 years old.
Thrombolites are only found in a few places in the world, and so intriguing.
Again I didn't stay here as long as I wanted to so the next visit will be planned a bit better.
The thrombolites intrigue me a little more than the pinnacles, there is a 1.5 kilometer walk around the lake which I didn't do before either so that is going to be done this time.
Adventure seems to be calling.

The camera I had at the time actually stopped working shortly after arriving at the lake, so not a lot of photos of either place......



Sharon said...

About 4 or 5 weeks ago, there was a show on our public television station about this part of Australia and the ancient fossils that are found there. The show was about research into the origins of the earth and it was fascinating.

Gemel said...

Oh wow.
I am really looking forward to going back again to see the thrombolites, they are really fascinating Sharon.