Friday, November 06, 2020

Feeling The Call....

Feeling the call of the ocean.
Beckoning me to walk the shore once again.
Since moving to my magic little cottage in the foothills I rarely venture down to the ocean.
Once my ambles along the water's edge were part of my daily life, sometimes I would find myself walking along the sand twice in one day.

Touching the sand with bare feet and feeling the salty caress of the water was such bliss.
Instantly I felt lightened.
No one else was in sight, this stretch of beach I had to myself.
Lots of things caught my attention.
Simple things.
The artistic ways of nature as the waves carried a variety of things in placing them gently on the shore.
Bits of seaweed, some shells and pebbles.
I love the patterns as the water draws back on itself, each moment new, each scene I saw brought wonder and a thought, how much is missed by so many humans as they fill their days with busyness.

I felt a deep sadness in this area as I sat for a moment, in times since past this area was once used to drag whales in.
Sitting with this feeling weighing on my heart I felt into the struggles the creatures of this planet have to endure at the hands of the humans.

Allowing my thoughts to calm and heading off along a walkway at the entrance of Fremantle Harbour where all the cargo ships bring their wares.

Gazing out over the deep blue of the Indian Ocean as it stretched out in all directions seeming endless.
Along the base of the limestone rocks the water held more fascination, not dressed for scurrying down along the rocks I got as close as I could to view life beneath the water.

Another realm entirely.........



William Kendall said...

A lot comes in with the waves.

Gemel said...

Certainly does.