Saturday, November 07, 2020

The Sad Truth....

The sad truth about Yanchep's kangaroo population.
This court of kangaroos once grazed happily on the Yanchep golf course.
In fact for years this was the case.
Then, a new owner bought the golf course and erected a kangaroo proof fence.
Can't have a kangaroo hopping about now can we!

This mob of kangaroos has been feeding here for decades, now they are still hanging around outside the fence not sure where to go for food.
They will not know how to forage as they have grazed on grass for years, plus there is hardly any natural habitat left in the surrounding area because a sea of houses surround the golf course.
Being pushed out from their home as once again the arrogant humans take over.

Because they are now so close to the roads I fear for their safety, not all people care about the well being of these precious beings, more often than not they are viewed as pests.

Shall not harp on about who the real pests of the planet are, but for those who don't know me well, lets just say they have two legs......


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