Friday, November 27, 2020

Finishing The Day....

Finishing the day yesterday in the garden.
Admiring the new growth on one of my gum trees, the pink of the new leaves such a contrast to the older leaves.
A bronzewing sitting on the fence as I approached and not flying off was a first. They are such shy birds normally.
I really appreciated the way the garden has transformed and changed over this past year.
Everything suddenly got so big, at the end of last summer I could still see the cottage from any part of the back garden, now it is mostly hidden from view.
The chickens and birds have such a haven to enjoy, as do I.
The family of pink and grey galahs arrived again to enjoy the seed pods dangling from many a tree.
It still amazes me at how they can disappear amongst the foliage despite their bright plumage.

It has taken years to get the garden established, and it is only just beginning to flourish. I am finding the more the garden grows the more time I spend just sitting and being in this place of peace, wonder and life.....



William Kendall said...

Those galahs are quite photogenic!

Sharon said...

I looks like a little bit of paradise.