Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Being In Tune.....

Being in tune with my surroundings I never miss an opportunity to stop and see the wonder in little moments during my day.
Watching fish lazily swimming.
The patterns of the ripples.
The distorted reflections in the water.
All creating such beauty.
Sadly a trend here in the corner of the world I reside in is for people to surround themselves with no garden at all.
Apparently they are too busy or so I am frequently told, to enjoy the benefits of nurturing and caring for a garden.
Distractions are taking humanity by storm.
Humans keeping themselves so busy they don't have time to be still.
To reconnect.
To recharge.
To stop.
To be.
Even the people around me who could have also stopped to watch the fish were all zooming past, no time for a bit of wonder for them.
As people glanced my way a few bemused looks were cast my way.

There is always time in my day for the most important things in life.
Watching the wonders of nature........


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