Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A Bedraggled Bronzewing......

A bedraggled bronzewing alone high up on a branch attempting to dry off after the heavy showers yesterday.
Bronzewings are skittish birds, they feed in large family groups on the ground, it is safety in numbers for these beautiful pigeons.
This one is a male, identified by the yellow-white mark on it's forehead.
Their wings have iridescent patterns in the wing feathers which give flashes of the bright colours when caught in sunlight as they move.
 These birds don't allow you to get too close, even though many have been coming to the garden for years they will still fly off as I walk near them always seeming in distress.
Unfortunately they have been the target of a hawk that sometimes frequens the garden, and I have failed to save any that have been attacked.
This one was separated from the rest of the group as the heavy showers continued into the afternoon and found this branch to be a good vantage point to keep an eye out for danger until the family appeared once again... 


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