Friday, November 13, 2020

Retracing My Steps.....

Retracing my steps of recent weeks.
Camera in hand instead of  a smartphone.
Whispers of nature captured my attention.
Baby crow close enough to touch.
Glistening black feathers with a curious eye.
Sparkling clear waters.
Swirling corals in the current.
A fledgling swallow taking a break on a bed of seaweed as it's parents dance in the air.
A lone seagull squawking it's protest as I stroll past.
Buds on a flowering gum waiting to open.
An inviting seat.
Wonderful brushstrokes on cement creating a vista of happiness.
A secluded canopy inviting me to rest......



William Kendall said...

Wonderful shots!

Gemel said...

Thank you William.