Saturday, October 15, 2022

Morning Antics......

Morning antics of the corellas' and rose chested cockatoos broke the serenity of the morning with their piercing squawks. The rose chested cockatoos had sent out the call that I was out of the house and on my way to let the chickens out for the day. This means food! There are always a few parrots on lookout duty in the garden watching for any sign tasty tidbits on offer. Normally within minutes of throwing out some food for the chickens the garden is full of birds. I tend to wait when a flock of cockatoos are around as I don't like them to become dependent on eating here, rather they ought to forage for food. 

The corellas together with the rose chested cockatoos make such a noise when excited and were screeching so loudly that it became unbearable. The zest in which these birds greet the dawning of another day oozes joy as they play and zoom round the sky and dangle from branches. 

A lesson to be learnt here from these playful birds, embrace the dawning of a new day and always have fun......



William Kendall said...

Terrific shots!

Gemel said...

Thank you William.