Sunday, October 02, 2022

After A Relaxing.....

After a relaxing start to the day wandering around the garden admiring my early morning visitors and to check on the flower meadow it was to be a busy day in the garden.  The first of the flowers to bloom in the flower meadow are golden marguerites, their bright yellow hue a happy sight. There is another few plants budding up, and I am so looking forward to seeing what beauty awaits when they unfold their petals.
There are more calendulas flowering too, I shall be collecting the petals and drying them out to add them to teas, and perhaps if I have enough make a therapeutic oil infusion too.

The wisteria is absolutely stunning this year. Always love it when spring arrives and the flowers bloom on this vine. The delicate fragrance drifts in the wind which can be smelt throughout the garden.
Then it was to work I went.
Shifting and changing the energy in a big pruning and tidy up.

A quick visit inside to check on Charles, he is doing well with his new medications. He was happy to watch me through the window relaxing on his luxurious big cushion and not anxiously meowing from the door. So relieved he has settled down.

After many hours of work it was into the hammock to rest, swinging as the breeze teased the branches overhead, gazing at the sky, watching life. 
Having pruned the area on the other side of the chicken's space it is now open and airy. The acacia tree that was damaged in the storms has begun to sprout more and thankfully will survive. She is a bit forlorn looking though at the moment, but with regular support with seasol she will recover from the harsh cutting back she has endured.

With gardening done for the day a quick walk around to take in the changes and to soak up the ambience before heading in to the kitty kids and a nice cup of herbal tea fresh from the garden.....



William Kendall said...

You have colourful company around.

Gemel said...

I really do. Very blessed.